CAS 101 Introduction to the Health Professions

Survey of health professions and requirements for educational, job, and market demands in selected health careers.  Course helps students to become familiar with the many health professions available as career choices, develop an understanding of the American healthcare system, recognize the requirements of health professionals in today’s healthcare world, and gain insight into life for healthcare providers. Course is graded P/NP.


Freshmen and sophomores only.

CAS 196 Career Planning & Life Design

The course will focus on discernment of academic major and career path(s), as well as articulating the value of a liberal arts degree for post-graduation careers. Using design thinking and career development theories students will engage in meaningful self-exploration, learn how to make effective decisions, and develop an adaptable career and life plan. Course is graded P/NP.


CAS 197 Internship & Career Preparation

This course introduces students to the career planning process including occupational exploration, internship planning, and how to conduct a job search. Students will learn skills in networking and interviewing, and create self-marketing materials including a resume, cover letter, and professional online presence. After taking this course, students will be better prepared to locate satisfying internships and/or jobs. Course is graded P/NP.