BPA 100 Intro To Baking

This course builds the foundation for subsequent baking and pastry courses. Students gain an understanding of the science and method behind baking and apply this knowledge in a hands-on setting. Different mixing, shaoingm and baking techniques are explored in a fully equipped professional bakeshop. Fundamental culinary principles including teamwork, professionalism, timing, and organization, and safety and sanitation are emphasized.


BPA 103 Pastry Theory

This course provides a comprehensive introduction into many of the basic skills and competencies needed in the field of baking and pastry. In this class, students learn baker’s math skills and gain familiarity with professional baking and pastry equipment. This class also covers baking and pastry product identification. During this class, students gain an appreciation for the many different career paths within baking and pastry and are exposed to food pathways. 2 quarter hours


BPA 111 Culinary Basics

This course provides a culinary backdrop for those interested pursuing baking and pastry careers. Students are introduced to cooking terminology and equipment and learn how the culinary side of an organzation functions. Armed with basic skills and knowledge, students are able to work and communicate in full-service kitchens.


BPA 130 Introduction to Plated Desserts and Production Techniques

This course introduces students to the artistic principles that guide pastry chefs as they decorate different plated desserts. Students will apply their knowledge of patries but in the context of bulk production. Students learn color theory, plating principles, still-frozen desserts, and a variety of decrating techniques in the context of plated desserts. Prerequisite: BPA 144


BPA 131 Basic Cake Decorating

Foundational to every pastry chef is the ability to create beautiful cakes. This course focuses on the core techniques needed to create structurally sound and attractive cakes. During this course, students will learn primary cake decorating skills such as fancy borders and piped flowers. Prerequisite: BPA 144 2 quarter hours


BPA 144 Intro To Pastry

This course builds off of the content of BPA 100 Introduction to Baking. Students expand their previously learned skills to include techniques for making: tarts, tortes, cakes, custards, cream, ice creams, sorbet, and more. Classical desserts are also covered in this class. Prerequisite: Firt block comprehensive exams (BPA 090 and BPA 091). 4 quarter hours


BPA 170 Advanced Baking & Pastry

This course continues the baking and pastry techniques learned in BPA 100, BPA 130, and BPA 144. Students expand on basic preparations and gain an introduction to some advanced baking and pastry techniques to prepare them for internship. Students create a variety of petit fours as they work toward a final sweet table. Students will also integrate learning from cost control to price their final sweet assignment.


BPA 180 Breakfast Pastry

This course underscores the methods and creativity required to prepare both classic and contempary pastries needed for early morning sales. Topics covered include: chemical leavening agents, laminated doughs, and the special handling requirements for enriched products. The skills required to mix, bake, assemble, and finish the end product are stressed. Prerequisite:BPA 170