KCC 311 Scaling Up: Thinking by the Thousands

Is the decision you make in your work today the correct decision to make in 5 years? Your day-to-day experiences are valuable data for you as an individual; but for a competitive business,or an efficient organization, the truly valuable data is scaled up to the thousands (and beyond!). Thousands of customers. Thousands of products. Thousands of times, measurements, dates, and descriptions. Within this flood of big data, patterns and trends can emerge. In this course, the second course of The Leader cluster, we aim to train the careful eye of a leader, one that is capable of seeing and describing these trends from among the data. We work through ways in which this ability to observe, understand, and communicate trends in big data can be a positive asset for a leader who is focused on making the decisions that can pay off not just today but five years down the road as well. Prerequisites: KCC 209 and KCC 310, or concurrent enrollment with KCC 310.
