KCC 312 The Steps and Mis-steps of Leadership

Why are some leaders respected and admired, able to leave behind many accomplishments, while others are not? This third and final course of The Leader cluster focuses on leaders in their professions—leaders in the worlds of culinary, hospitality, business, and education, leaders you will look up to as you make your way in your careers. We will inquire as to the particular styles of these leaders and how these styles have reflected the values of a society. Great leaders affect not only their professions but also their societies. We will examine how a leader does this, what style of leadership this requires. We will also investigate the other side of leadership: the mistakes and missteps made and the impact those have had on the leaders themselves, the people who work for them, and various other communities. Finally, this course will prompt reflection upon your own leadership style as you take the first steps into your chosen profession. Prerequisites: KCC 310 and KCC 311, or concurrent enrollment with KCC 311
