General Education Enrollment Policy

General Education is a sequential program, meaning its design requires students to take the courses in sequence. Students will begin with the first course in a cluster and continue to take the courses in order until they complete General Education. Students are allowed to take two, but no more than two, courses concurrently (in the same quarter). The two courses must be adjacent to each other in the sequence. For example, students may take courses KCC 101 and KCC 102 during the same quarter or another example: KCC 106 and KCC 207. However, students are not allowed to take KCC 101 and KCC 103 concurrently or KCC 106 and KCC 208. Therefore, when taking two General Education courses concurrently, if a student fails or withdraws from one General Education course, the student will need to successfully complete that course before continuing the General Education sequence. For example, if a student is enrolled in KCC 101 and KCC 102 and the student withdraws from KCC 101 and successfully completes KCC 102, the student will need to enroll in and successfully complete KCC 101 before enrolling in KCC 103.

General Education is a degree requirement at the college and all cluster courses must be successfully completed to be awarded a degree.