EXAC 2110 Spinning

Designed for both the beginner spinner (stationary cycling) as well as advanced spinners which allows all who participate to spin at their own maximum fitness capacity. The bulk of the course will be spent working out on the spinning bikes. However, we will also address the benefits of spinning, proper bike fit, pedaling technique, bike positions, heart rate zones, principles of aerobic and anaerobic training, hydration, nutrition, and stretching. Lab Fee


EXAC 2111 Yoga

Course introduces the ancient discipline of personal development that balances the body and mind. Students learn a series of physical postures as well as practical methods for relaxation, proper breathing, and concentration that promote health, alleviate stress, improve skeletal alignment, and increase muscular strength and flexibility. Lab Fee


EXAC 2125 Camping and Hiking

The focus of this course is fundamental knowledge in trip planning, camping and backpacking. Topics will include equipment, transportation, activities, navigation, safety, environmental concerns and risk management. Students will participate in a 3-day camping trip to a Texas State Park. First class day safety and fitness eligibility assessment: Must be able to hike continuously for a minimum of one hour. Any student unable to meet the required assessment standard will not be allowed to continue in the class. Lab fee.


EXAC 2130 Conditioning

Fundamentals of body conditioning with special emphasis on physical fitness and motor fitness through selected laboratory experience such as isometrics, isotonic, and circuit training. Lab fee.


EXAC 2131 Modified Physical Education

A class for students needing modified activities because of limitations due to physical status. Pre-requisite: Submission of written documentation from a medical doctor stating limitations and prescriptions to Disability Support Services and subsequent approval. Secondary approval from the Dean of EXSS May be repeated once for credit. Lab fee.

EXAC 2132 Aerobics

This course introduces students to a variety of aerobic formats including stepping, short distance running and walking, kickboxing, BOSU, circuit and interval training. Designed for both beginners and more advanced levels of fitness, this course encourages students to participate at their maximum level. Class format includes pre and post fitness testing for cardiovascular endurance. Lab Fee


EXAC 2133 Weight Training

A progressive conditioning course that introduces the student to isotonic muscle contractions for the muscular development of strength and endurance. In addition, the course emphasizes weight room safety, proper spotting and techniques in weight lifting. Lab fee.


EXAC 2181 CruFit Bootcamp

CruFit Bootcamp is high intensity strength and cardio exercises designed to develop your strength and endurance while burning many calories. The workouts are at a pace that takes you from one exercise to the next with little or no rest. You will be able to take breaks as individually needed, but the goal is to keep your heart rate up. Equipment used will be your body weight, kettlebells, bands, physio-balls and a great attitude. Lab Fee

EXAC 2191 Seminar

Lab Fee