EXAC 4110 Mountain Biking

This class introduces students to basic mountain biking. The focus is on training principles, bike handling skills, equipment needs, mechanics, nutrition, hydration and safety. Emphasis is placed on specific off-road mountain biking skills such as braking, shifting, downhill riding, climbing, drafting and course management. Mountain bikes are provided by the EXSS Department. First class day eligibility assessment: Students will be evaluated for safety and fitness level (must be able to ride three miles on trails without stopping) to determine eligibility for the class. Any student unable to meet the required assessment standard will not be allowed to continue in the class. Lab fee.

EXAC 4111 Rock Climbing

This class introduces students to basic rock climbing principles, including techniques and maneuvers, belaying systems and categories of climbing.  In addition, students become familiar with history, safety, equipment and ethics in climbing.  Emphasis is placed on top-rope climbing systems and bouldering.  Basic fitness level is required for participation in the class.  Lab fee.


EXAC 4112 Snow Skiing

This course introduces students to basic and intermediate snow skiing.  The course material includes basic equipment knowledge, proper ski wear, ski area navigation, safety and injury prevention, basic fitness, nutrition and hydration and ski etiquette.  Emphasis is placed on downhill skiing, basic form and safety principles.  Students are expected to participate daily in training sessions and make every attempt to progress in skill level during the course.  No experience is necessary.  Basic fitness level is required. Class will be taught the first week in December following the Fall semester.  The course is taught for three days in Colorado.  Lab fee.

EXAC 4113 Stand Up Paddleboarding

This course introduces students to safety and techniques for lake, river and ocean stand up paddleboarding.  Primary focus will be places on paddleboarding as a fitness activity, paddleboard construction and design, terminology and paddling technique.  Pre-requisite:  Every student must be able to successfully complete a basic swimming test prior to beginning the class.  Lab fee.  


EXAC 4120 Marathon and Half-Marathon Training

This course introduces students to basic marathon training schedules and principles to include nutrition, hydration, periodization, rest, recovery and race day strategies. Students will be expected to participate in regular training runs. The class will culminate by students participating in a sponsored half-marathon (13.1 miles) or a full marathon (26.2 miles). May be repeated once for credit. Lab fee.


EXAC 4124 Lifeguard Training

Instruction and skills training leading to American Red Cross nonsurf "Lifeguard Training" certificate. Prerequisite: Current American Red Cross "Standard First Aid" and "Adult CPR" or "Community CPR" certifications and adequate swimming skills. Lab fee.


EXAC 4126 Water Safety Instructor

Instruction and skills leading to "Water Safety Instructor" certification by the American Red Cross. Prerequisite: EXSS 4124 or EXSS 4125 or current American Red Cross certificate in "Emergency Water Safety" or "Lifeguard Training." Lab fee.


EXAC 4130 Team Activities

The course will focus on the organization, planning and implementation of large group activities. The course is designed to prepare students to manage team recreational activities in camp, church, school or city recreation settings. Lab fee. 


EXAC 4191 Seminar

Lab fee

EXAC 4220 Scuba Diving

This course will focus on introductory scuba skills specifically to include equipment, safety, respiration, communication, buddy systems, dive planning, problem management and open-water diving skills.  Upon successful completion of this course the student will receive a PADI open water dive certification.  Prerequisite:  Ability to swim.  (This course only counts as 1 activity course credit in the UMHB Core requirement).  Lab fee.