Teaching, Learning and Assessment, M.Ed. (National Board Certification)

This program, offered in online, face-to-face and blended formats, prepares degree candidates to respond to the complexities of today’s school environment with a holistic approach to assessing learning needs, shaping effective curricula and supporting student success.

In addition to National College of Education Graduate Admissions Requirements, applicants must: 

  • Have three years teaching experience and be teaching while enrolled in the program if selecting the National Board Certification major

Program Details:

  • Requires 32 SH for completion
  • Transfer credit can be used only to fulfill program electives, as indicated in the tables below
  • Requires a research project

Required Courses

Core Course Requirements - 13 SH

ESR 531Exploring Action Research: Action Research I


ESR 532Engaging in Action Research: Action Research II

2 TO 3

ESR 533Continuing Action Research: Action Research III

2 OR 3

ESR 534Completing Action Research: Action Research IV

2 OR 3

FND 509Building on Educational Foundations


TLA 541Assessing Teaching and Learning: Introduction to Assessment


Major in National Board Certification Requirements - 19 SH

TLA 515Overview of the NBPTS and Planning for Related Instructional Activities


TLA 516Preparation of Entries for NBPTS


TLA 517Portfolio Entries and Assessment Center Preparation for NBPTS


TLA 543Reflecting on Teaching, Learning and Assessment


TLA 579Engaging with Critical Multicultural Perspectives


TLA 589Differentiating for Diverse Learners


Major in National Board Certification Electives - 4 SH

TLA 591Meeting Complex Challenges of Contemporary Classrooms/Field Study


TLA 594Examining Curriculum Perspectives/Independent Study


Note: These courses can be replaced with transfer credit.