Complaint Procedures

The University has an obligation to promptly take steps to investigate or otherwise determine what occurred and then to address instances of relationship violence and sexual misconduct when it knows or should have known about such instances, regardless of Complainant cooperation and involvement. Therefore, the University encourages persons who believe that they have experienced sexual misconduct or relationship violence to contact the University. The University will accept anonymous reports.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct or Relationship Violence

All individuals are encouraged to promptly report conduct that may violate this policy to the University. In addition, all individuals are encouraged to report conduct that may also violate criminal law to both the University and to local law enforcement. These processes are not mutually exclusive.

Any University student who seeks to make a complaint or report may:

  • Make an internal report to the NLU Title IX Coordinator.
  • File a University incident report at
  • Contact local law enforcement to file a criminal complaint.

Complainants may pursue an internal NLU complaint and a criminal complaint. When talking to the Title IX Coordinator, a student does not need to know whether they wish to request any particular course of action. Complainants do not need to know how to label what happened. Choosing to make a complaint and deciding how to proceed after making the complaint, can be a process that unfolds over time.  The University also encourages individuals who have been sexually assaulted to undergo a health assessment by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) as soon as possible. A SANE is a registered nurse specially trained to provide care to sexual assault patients. The SANE conducts medical forensic examinations and can serve as an expert witness in a court of law. If you decide to have a SANE exam you can choose whether or not to make a police report.

The University can most effectively investigate and respond to allegations of sexual misconduct or relationship violence if the complaint is made as promptly as possible after the alleged violence or misconduct occurs. The University does not, however, limit the time frame for reporting. If the Respondent is not a member of the NLU community at the time of the report, the University will still seek to meet its legal obligations by providing reasonably available support for a Complainant, but its ability to investigate and/or take action may be limited. The University will, however, assist a Complainant in identifying external reporting options.

A student who believes that he or she has been involved in an incident of sexual misconduct or relationship violence, or any member of the University who becomes aware of an incident of sexual misconduct or relationship violence is strongly encouraged to report the incident through one or more of the following options. As with all types of incidents, the University prohibits and will address any retaliation against anyone who files a good faith complaint or discloses an incident of sexual misconduct or relationship violence.