Preservation of Evidence

Whether a Complainant files a complaint under this policy or with a local law enforcement agency, any person who has experienced sexual misconduct, and in particular persons who have experienced sexual or relationship violence or sexual assault, should preserve to the extent possible any evidence that may assist investigators in determining whether the alleged misconduct occurred or might be relevant to the issuance of an order or protection.   Actions to preserve evidence include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Do not dispose of or destroy or alter any physical evidence, including clothing. 
  • If you suspect that a drink has been drugged or tampered with, inform a medical care provider or law enforcement official immediately so they can attempt to collect physical evidence, including the drink and urine or blood samples.
  • Preserve any electronic communications related to the misconduct, including voice mail messages, text messages, e-mails, instant messages, social media pages, digital photographs or videos, etc. 

If you need any assistance in preserving evidence related to the misconduct, you should contact emergency medical personnel, law enforcement and/or the Title IX Coordinator.