Title IX Coordinator

The University’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the University’s compliance with federal and state laws and University policies and procedures regarding gender discrimination, harassment, relationship violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual misconduct. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for investigating all allegations of prohibited discrimination and harassment, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual misconduct, and provides training to recognize and prevent such incidents. The Title IX Coordinator also collaborates with other campus offices to encourage best practices to promote a culture of inclusion. The Title IX Coordinator is available to advise any individual, including the Complainant and the Respondent, about University and community resources and reporting options and is available to provide assistance to any University employee regarding how to respond appropriately to a report of sexual misconduct or relationship violence.  The Title IX Coordinator cooperates with and assists the Vice President of Human Resources or designee in the investigation of complaints alleging that University employees have engaged in conduct prohibited by this policy and other University policies that prohibit sexual harassment. 

Contact Information

Danielle Laban, Title IX Coordinator

By e-mail at dlaban@nl.edu

By phone or fax at 312.261.3162.

File an incident report: nl.edu/letusknow

Resources: www.nl.edu/sexualrespectandtitleix