
The University’s Title IX Coordinator will investigate complaints that students engaged in prohibited conduct or any other form of gender or sex discrimination, including complaints by students, employees and third-parties. The Title IX Coordinator will also investigate complaints by students that other students, University employees and third-parties engaged in prohibited conduct or any other form of gender or sex discrimination.  The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for making available to Complainants the interventions and other supports available to students as described in this policy. When the Respondent is a University Employee, Vice President of Human Resources or designee will support the investigation and ensure that the investigation complies with University policies and procedures regarding the investigation and discipline of employees.

The University’s Vice President of Human Resources will investigate complaints that University employees engaged in prohibited conduct or any other form of gender or sex discrimination.  In cases where a University employee is the Respondent, the Title IX Coordinator shall support the investigation and insure that the procedural safeguards, interventions and accommodations provided to students in this policy are available to the Complainant. 

If the Complainant is a student-employee and the Respondent is a student, the complaint will be investigated by the Title IX Coordinator. If the Complainant is a student-employee and the Respondent is an employee, the complaint will be investigated by the Vice President of Human Resources of the Respondent is an employee.  

The procedures for investigating complaints by employees about other employees and third-parties and the supports available to Complainant employees are beyond the scope of this policy.  For information regarding procedures and policies related to complaints by University employees, please contact the Vice President of Human Resources or designee or consult the employment policies posted on the University’s website.  

When a student or employee reports they have been a victim of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, whether the offense occurred on or off-campus, the University will provide the student or employee interim measures and accommodations. The Title IX Coordinator will complete an investigation into any allegation of gender discrimination as defined within this policy to remedy and prevent future occurrences of the misconduct no matter where the incident occurred.