Accounting Technology Management College Credit Certificate (ACCTG-CT)

Students earn an entry level accounting credential that will enhance employability in jobs requiring accounting knowledge.  All courses in this college credit certificate will articulate into the Associate of Science degree in Accounting Technology should a student choose to complete the more advanced degree.

Certificate Requirements

Required Courses

ACG 2002Computerized Accounting

3 cc

ACG 2001Accounting I

3 cc

ACG 2011Accounting II

3 cc

ACO 1806Payroll Accounting

3 cc

APA 2147Accounting Software Applications

3 cc

CGS 1570Computer Concepts and Applications

3 cc

CGS 2510Spreadsheet

3 cc

FIN 2100Personal Finance and Money Management

3 cc

TAX 2000Income Tax Procedures

3 cc

Total: 27
