Veterinary Technology Associate in Science (VET-AS)

The two year, full-time program prepares students to perform entry-level skills as a Veterinary Technician. Skills are mastered through classroom instruction and supervised laboratory instruction. Students will be assigned to a clinical work site throughout the program. The core courses of the program begin in August of each year. Prior to starting core courses students must have completed the following general education courses: ENC 1101C (English Composition I), MAC 1105 (College Algebra), DEP 2004 or PSY 2012, PHI 2600, and ZOO 1010 (General Zoology with ZOO 1010L General Zoology Lab) or BSC1010 (Principles of Biology with BSC1010L, Principles of Biology Lab). Other required general education courses can be taken prior to graduation. Students must also complete 30-60 hours of veterinary clinical work or volunteer experience prior to acceptance into the program. The veterinary clinic observation form can be found in the application packet. The complete information packet and application process can be found at Please read the application procedures carefully and use the student checklist provided. Applicants are advised to contact the department at to assess their application status. Program information is subject to change.

The interested student is encouraged to contact the Veterinary Technology Program Director for assistance in planning their program of study.

Department Head:

Michael R. Allen, (850) 484-1167

Program Contact:

Sarah Meyer-Patterson, (850-471-4673)

Email Contact:

Degree Requirements

General Education Courses (16 cc)

The following prerequisite courses must be completed prior to enrolling in any core courses of the Veterinary Technology Program and completed with a grade of C or better in each course and a cumulative grade of 2.0 or higher.

BSC 1010Principles of Biology

3 cc

BSC 1010LPrinciples of Biology Laboratory

1 cc


ZOO 2010General Zoology

3 cc

ZOO 2010LGeneral Zoology Laboratory

1 cc


ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

PHI 2600Ethics

3 cc


DEP 2004Human Growth and Development

3 cc


PSY 2012General Psychology

3 cc

Semester 1 (12 cc)

ATE 1050Canine and Feline Behavior

2 cc

ATE 1110Animal Anatomy and Physiology

3 cc

ATE 1110LAnimal Anatomy and Physiology Lab

1 cc

ATE 1311Veterinary Office Procedures and Terminology

3 cc

ATE 1650CIntroduction to Clinical Procedures

3 cc

Semester 2 (15 cc)

ATE 1612Large Animal Medicine

3 cc

ATE 1636Large Animal Clinical Procedures

3 cc

ATE 1636LLarge Animal Clinical Procedures Lab

1 cc

ATE 1941LClinical Work Experience

1 cc

ATE 2632Small Animal Clinical Procedures II

3 cc

ATE 2632LSmall Animal Clinical Procedures II Lab

1 cc

ATE 2648Radiography

3 cc

Semester 3 (6 cc)

ATE 1942LClinical Work Experience II

1 cc

ATE 2671Laboratory Animal Medicine

2 cc

ATE 2671LLaboratory Animal Medicine Lab

1 cc

ATE 2722Avian, Exotic, Small Mammals and Fish

2 cc

Semester 4 (12 cc)

ATE 2630Pharmacology

4 cc

ATE 2634Small Animal Clinical Procedures III

3 cc

ATE 2634LSmall Animal Clinical Procedures III Lab

1 cc

ATE 2710Veterinary Emergency Medicine

3 cc

ATE 2943LClinical Work Experience III

1 cc

Semester 5 (12 cc)

ATE 2501Professional Development

2 cc

ATE 2511The Human Animal Bond

2 cc

ATE 2618Small Animal Diseases


ATE 2635Small Animal Clinical Procedures IV

3 cc

ATE 2635LSmall Animal Clinical Procedures IV Lab

1 cc

ATE 2944LClinical Work Experience IV

1 cc

Total: 73

Note: Clinical Work Experience will require that the student spend four hours per week at an approved clinical site each semester.
