Infant/Toddler Specialization College Credit Certificate (BABY-CT)

The Baby-CT College Technical Certificate is a 12 college-credit program designed to provide students with the skills and information needed to design a developmentally appropriate environment and curriculum for infants and toddlers. This program is composed of selected college-credit courses offered within the AS and AA Early Childhood degree programs and will count toward those degrees.

Certificate Requirements

Required Courses

DEP 2001Child Development

3 cc

EEC 1100Introduction to Early Childhood

3 cc

EEC 2500Infant and Toddler Development

3 cc

EEC 2940CEarly Childhood Practicum

3 cc

Some courses require field experience or service learning.  Check course descriptions for more information.

***DEP 2001, EEC 1100, and EEC 2940C fulfills a portion of the requirements toward the Florida Child Care Professional Credential (FCCPC).  FCCPC is a 12 college credit program to prepare students as entry-level childcare workers and teachers.  It requires completion of 4 courses in addition to 400 hours of work and/or service learning experience.

Total: 12
