Robotics and Simulation Technician (ROBOT-CT)
Upon completion of this technical program, the student will be able to install, maintain and troubleshoot general robot systems and simulations. The content also includes Program Logic Controller (PLC) programming and basic electronics competencies as identified by the electronics industry. Individuals are prepared in the areas of Robotic Applications, Modeling and Simulation, and Virtual Reality Environment. Graduates of this technical program will be prepared to enter advanced training and education in specialized Robotics and Simulation related fields.
Students in this program are encouraged to apply to graduate with the certificate as the requirements are satisfied.
We strongly encourage students to contact the Engineering Technology Department for assistance in planning their program of study.
Certificate Requirements
Required Courses
EET 1015C | Direct Current Circuits | 3 cc |
EET 1025C | Alternating Current Circuits | 3 cc |
ETS 1603C | Robotics-Mechanics and Controls | 3 cc |
ETS 2542C | Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Fundamentals | 3 cc |
Total: 12