Electronics Engineering Technology Associate in Science (ELEC-AS)

The Electronics Engineering Technology Program provides students with the fundamentals of electronics that will prepare them as technicians in a variety of fields including computer technology, networking, instrumentation, and biomedical. Selected specialty courses are available to provide detailed instruction in these technical areas. The content includes but is not limited to DC circuits, AC circuits, solid-state devices, analog circuits, digital fundamentals and circuits. Integrated into this content will be communications skills, employability skills, safe and efficient work practices, use of circuit diagrams and schematics, and soldering. Program includes lecture and significant hands-on lab experiences. The program focuses on a common core of foundational, intermediate and advanced courses required of all students. Students will then specialize in one or more emphasis areas depending on their career goals. Students are strongly urged to consult with the Department when selecting their courses.

We strongly encourage that you contact the Engineering Technology Department for assistance in planning your program of study.

The Associate in Science in Electronics Engineering includes the following college credit certificate:

Electronics Aide 

Students in this program are encouraged to apply to graduate with the certificate as the requirements are satisfied.

Department Head:


Program Contact:

Larry Ball, (850) 484-2577


Degree Requirements

Semester 1 (17 cc)

CGS 1061CIntroduction to Computers in Technology

3 cc


Choose one of the following Mathematics General Education Courses:

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

MGF 1107Mathematics for Liberal Arts II

3 cc


EET 1015CDirect Current Circuits

3 cc

EET 1025CAlternating Current Circuits

3 cc

CET 1112CDigital Fundamentals

3 cc

Emphasis Electives

2 cc

MAC 1105 recommended for students planning to complete a baccalaureate degree.

Semester 2 (17 cc)

CET 2113CDigital Circuits

3 cc

EET 2141CElectronic Devices and Integrated Circuits I

3 cc

EET 2142CLinear Circuits

3 cc

ETI 1701Industrial Safety

3 cc

Emphasis Electives

2 cc

See Choices Natural Sciences (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

See general education course list for general education course options.

Semester 3 (17 cc)

COP 1510Programming Concepts

3 cc

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc

Emphasis Electives

11 cc

Semester 4 (17 cc)

See Choices Humanities (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

See Choices Social Sciences (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

Emphasis Electives

11 cc

See general education course list for general education course options.

Emphasis Courses (26 cc)

Cisco Certified Networking Associate (C.C.N.A.) Emphasis

CET 1020CIntroduction to Networks

3 cc

CET 1610CRouting and Switching Essentials

3 cc

CET 2025CScaling Networks

3 cc

CET 2026CConnecting Networks

3 cc

Computer Technician Emphasis

CET 1178CPC Hardware (A+)

3 cc

CET 1179CPC Operating Systems (A+)

3 cc

CET 1588Network +

3 cc

CET 1634CTelecommunications Distribution Systems

3 cc

CET 2172CPersonal Computers Maintenance, Upgrade and Support

3 cc

CIS 1350CSecurity Awareness

3 cc

CTS 1155Help Desk Technician

3 cc

CTS 2106CLinux+

3 cc

CTS 2120CSecurity +

3 cc

Manufacturing Emphasis

EET 1931Special Topics in Electronics Engineering Technology

1 cc

EET 1932Special Topics in Electronics Engineering Technology

2 cc

EET 1933Special Topics in Electronics Engineering Technology

3 cc

EET 1084CIntroduction to Electronics

3 cc

EET 2215CInstrumentation Electronics

3 cc

EGN 1123Engineering Graphics

3 cc

ETD 2364C3D Parametric Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS I

3 cc

ETD 2368C3D Parametric Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS II

3 cc

ETI 1622CConcepts of LEAN Manufacturing and Six Sigma

3 cc

ETI 1931LSpecial Topics in Mechanical Design

1 cc

ETI 1932Special Topics in Mechanical Design

2 cc

ETI 1933Special Topics in Mechanical Design

3 cc

ETI 2411CManufacturing Processes CNC Machining/MasterCam-Lathe

4 cc

ETI 2414CComputer-Aided Manufacturing MasterCam-Mill 2-D & Solidworks

4 cc

ETM 2315CHydraulics and Pneumatics

3 cc

ETS 1603CRobotics-Mechanics and Controls

3 cc

ETS 2511CMotors and Controls

3 cc

ETS 2542CProgrammable Logic Controller (PLC) Fundamentals

3 cc

Biomedical Emphasis

BSC 1093Anatomy and Physiology I

3 cc

BSC 1093LAnatomy and Physiology I Laboratory

1 cc

BSC 1094Anatomy and Physiology II

3 cc

BSC 1094LAnatomy and Physiology II Laboratory

1 cc

ETS 2406Biomedical Equipment

4 cc

Cooperative Education

EET 2947Electronic Technology Co-op

1 cc

EET 2948Electronic Technology Co-op

2 cc

EET 2949Electronic Technology Co-op

3 cc

Total: 68
