Early Childhood Education Associate in Science (CHILD-AS)

Early Childhood Education is concerned with the education, guidance and daily care of young children. Early Childhood professionals plan and implement activities that stimulate children's intellectual, social, emotional and physical development. Completion of the program prepares students to teach in or to operate a child care center, preschool program, or a home child care center. Students will gain insight into working with children from birth through age 8. Course components focus on all aspects of early childhood including curriculum development, behavior management techniques, and forming partnerships with parents and the community.

Program completion creates the option for students to transfer to a higher degree program. The Early Childhood Education program meets the State of Florida education requirements related to owning, directing, operating, or working in a child care program.

Two courses (EDF1005 and EDG2085) require service learning in a public school setting. Background checks may be required. Although a school district may provide an appeals process to persons receiving a disapproval to enter K-12 classrooms as a result of the background check, students should be aware of the Florida statutes 435.04. Pursuant to Chapter 1012, Fla. Stat., any individual who has been found guilty of, regardless of adjudication, or entered a plea of nolo contender or guilty to, any offense enumerated in §435.04, Fla. Stat., shall be ineligible for appointment to any instructional, non- instructional or voluntary position in any daycare, school or other educational facility providing care or instruction to children 17 years of age or younger. To view 435.04, Florida Statutes, go to www.flsenate.gov/statutes.

The Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education includes the following college credit certificates.

Early Childhood Teacher (Preschool)

Early Childhood Intervention (Child Development and Early Intervention)

Infant/Toddler Specialization

Students in this program are encouraged to apply to graduate with each certificate as the requirements are satisfied.

We strongly encourage you to contact the History, Languages, and Social Sciences Department for assistance in planning your program of study.

Department Head

Susan Morgan, (850) 484-2137


Program Contact:

Cindy Kirk, (850) 484-2534


Degree Requirements

Semester 1 (15 cc)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc


Choose one of the following Mathematics General Education Courses:

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

MGF 1106Mathematics for Liberal Arts I

3 cc

MGF 1107Mathematics for Liberal Arts II

3 cc

STA 2023Elementary Statistics

3 cc


EEC 1100Introduction to Early Childhood

3 cc

DEP 2001Child Development

3 cc

EEC 1601Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood

3 cc

Semester 2 (15 cc)

See Choices Humanities (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

EEC 1312Creative Experiences for Young Children

3 cc

EEC 2521Childcare Management

3 cc

EEC 2940CEarly Childhood Practicum

3 cc

EME 2040Introduction to Technology for Educators

3 cc

See general education course list for general education course options.

Semester 3 (15 cc)

See Choices Natural Sciences (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

EDF 1005Introduction to the Teaching Profession

3 cc

EEX 1600Behavior Management

3 cc

EEC 2401Home and Community

3 cc


HSC 2400First Aid and Injuries

3 cc



3 cc

If a student has a current CPR/First Aid card, an elective may be chosen.

See general education course list for general education course options.

Semester 4 (15 cc)

See Choices Social Sciences (General Education Core Course)

3 cc

EDF 2085Introduction to Diversity for Educators

3 cc

EEC 2500Infant and Toddler Development

3 cc

EEX 2010Introduction to Exceptional Children

3 cc


3 cc

See general education course list for general education course options.

Total: 60

Some courses require field experience or service learning. Check course descriptions for more information.
