Pneumatics Hydraulics and Motors for Manufacturing College Credit Certificate (PNEUM-CT)
Provides students with considerable experience in manufacturing with the knowledge and skills to become a Mechanical Engineering technician. The content includes but is not limited to, the theory of operation, supporting mathematics, and troubleshooting of Industrial Equipment. The program covers electric motors and the control of electric motors to include variable speed AC drives, as well as, how to troubleshoot basic electric motor circuits. It also includes the basic fundamentals of process control, and the control of industrial processes with an industrial computer. Pneumatics and hydraulics are also covered with emphasis on their role in process control.
Students may be required to complete EET1015C, Direct Current Circuits and a math class before completing this college credit certificate. Contact the Department Head or Program Coordinator for more information.
We strongly encourage that you contact the Engineering Technology Department for assistance in your decision to take coursework and in the planning of your program of study.
Certificate Requirements
Required Courses
Total: 12