Architectural Design and Construction Technology Associate in Science (ARCH-AS)

The Architectural Design and Construction Technology program with emphasis in AEC (ARCH-AS) provides students with practical, hands-on training while exploring broad issues such as planning, management, finance, technical and product skills, safety and environmental issues within the architectural and construction industry. Attaining these skills qualifies the student to work for companies such as engineering firms, contractors or architects offices, building construction administration, facilities planning and management, or self-employment in the construction industry. The program emphasizes skills such as architectural drafting using AutoCAD, cost estimating, material selecting, specification writing, and building information management (BIM).

The Associate in Science in Architectural Design and Construction Technology includes the following college credit certificates:

AutoCAD Foundations 

Building Construction Specialist


Students in this program are encouraged to apply to graduate with each certificate as the requirements are satisfied.

We strongly encourage you to contact the Applied Technology Department for assistance in planning your program of study.

Department Head:


Program Contact:

Michael Hayse, (850) 471-4672

Degree Requirements

Semester 1 (15 hours)

ETD 1310Survey of Computer Aided Drafting

3 cc

BCN 1001Building Construction

3 cc

EGN 1123Engineering Graphics

3 cc

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

Semester 2 (15 cc)

ETD 2340Computer Drafting

3 cc

ETC 1250Properties of Materials

3 cc

CGS 2122Engineering Technical Spreadsheets

3 cc

ETD 2397CBuilding Information Management I

3 cc

GIS 2040CGeographic Information Systems

3 cc

Semester 3 (6 cc)

PHI 2100Logic

3 cc

Program Electives

3 cc

Semester 4 (15 cc)

ETD 2398Building Information Management II

3 cc

ETD 2550Civil 3D

3 cc

ECO 2013Macroeconomics

3 cc

Program Electives

3 cc


ETD 2355Advanced Computer Drafting

3 cc


ETD 2364C3D Parametric Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS I

3 cc

Semester 5 (15 cc)

PHY 1025Introduction to Fundamentals of Physics

3 cc

BCN 2405Construction Mechanics

3 cc

BCT 2760Building Codes

3 cc

BCT 2770Construction Estimating

3 cc

ETD 2930CAEC/Mechanical Design Capstone

3 cc

Electives (6 hours)

BCN 2947Building Construction Technology Co-op

1 cc

ETD 1542Structural Drafting

3 cc

ETD 1931Special Topics in Drafting Design

1 cc

ETD 2332AutoCAD Customization

2 cc

ETD 2551Civil Engineering Drafting

3 cc

ETD 2355Advanced Computer Drafting

3 cc

ETD 2364C3D Parametric Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS I

3 cc

ETD 2947Drafting and Design Technology Co-op.

1 cc

SUR 2140CAdvanced Surveying

3 cc

Total: 66
