Pharmacy Management Associate in Science (PHM-AS)

The Associate in Science (A.S.) degree in Pharmacy Management expands on the curriculum of the Pharmacy Technician Applied Technology Diploma to prepare students for careers as Pharmacy Technician Specialists. Students can enroll directly into the A.S. degree program or transition from the Pharmacy Technician ATD program.

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates earn an Associate in Science degree and are equipped to assume entry-level management responsibilities in a pharmacy.  Graduates are prepared for employment in hospitals, long term care facilities, retail stores, drug manufacturing companies, wholesale drug houses and health maintenance organizations. 

The interested student should contact the Allied Health Department for assistance in planning the program of study.

Department Head:


Program Contact:

Julie Burger, (850) 484-2346

Degree Requirements

Semester 1-Fall (16 cc)

CHM 1025Introduction to College Chemistry

3 cc

CHM 1025LIntroduction to College Chemistry Laboratory

1 cc

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc

SPC 2300Interpersonal Communication

3 cc

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

SLS 1353Generations at Work

3 cc

Semester 2-Spring (15 cc)

GEB 1011Introduction to Business

3 cc

BSC 1080Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

3 cc

CGS 1570Computer Concepts and Applications

3 cc

HSC 1531Medical Terminology

3 cc

PHI 2600Ethics

3 cc

Semester 3-Summer (12 cc)

BSC 2033Ethical Issues in Biology

2 cc

PTN 1001Introduction to Pharmacy

3 cc

PTN 1017Pharmacy Technician Math

3 cc

PTN 1121Therapeutic Agents I

3 cc

PTN 1132CBasic Business Skills for the Pharmacy Technician

1 cc

Semester 4-Fall (15 cc)

PTN 1122CTherapeutic Agents II

3 cc

PTN 1131Applied Pharmacy Practice

3 cc

PTN 1131LApplied Pharmacy Practice Lab

3 cc

PTN 1930Pharmacy Seminar

1 cc

PTN 1940LPharmacy Practicum I

2 cc

PSY 2012General Psychology

3 cc

Semester 5-Spring (12 cc)

MAN 2021Principles of Management

3 cc

ACG 2001Accounting I

3 cc

PTN 1941LPharmacy Practicum II

3 cc

PTN 1942LPharmacy Practicum III

3 cc

Total: 70
