Engineering Technology - Advanced Manufacturing Associate in Science (ENGNR-AS)
The Advanced Manufacturing program prepares students for success in an industrial manufacturing environment. Hands-on laboratory exercises in electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, instrumentation, and robotics use industry electromechanical devices and components. Rockwell Automation, National Instruments, and Autodesk industry-leading software packages are used to develop Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming, electronic circuit analysis, and engineering graphics skills. Optional training and is available in SOLIDWORKS with a focus on certification and development of additive manufacturing skills on SLA, FDM, and CJP 3D printer technologies. PSC's Advanced Technology Lab (ATL) provides special topics courses ranging from Control Logic 5000 and CATIA to custom PCB fabrication. The program core aligns with industry skill standards identified by the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council's (MSSC). These standards define the knowledge, skills, and performance needed for manufacturing workers. These core courses lead to the college credit certificate, Engineering Technology Support Specialist. After completing the Technical Core and the General Education requirements, students should be prepared to pass the MSSC - Certified Production Technician (CPT) certification exams. The sequence of courses provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards that are relevant technical knowledge, and skills requirements for a manufacturing career. Technical skill proficiency is developed using competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, problem-solving skills, employability skills, and technical skills, required by all manufacturing career clusters.
The Associate in Science in Engineering Technology-Advanced Manufacturing includes the following college credit certificate:
Engineering Technology Support Specialist
Manufacturing Automation
Pneumatics Hydraulics and Motors for Manufacturing CCC (PNEUM-CT)
Students in this program are encouraged to apply to graduate with the certificate as the requirements are satisfied.
We strongly encourage you to contact the Engineering Technology Department for assistance in planning your program of study.
Department Head:
Program Contact:
Larry Ball, (850) 484-2577
Degree Requirements
Semester 1 (15 cc)
Semester 2 (15 cc)
EET 1084C | Introduction to Electronics | 3 cc |
EGN 1123 | Engineering Graphics | 3 cc |
ETI 1622C | Concepts of LEAN Manufacturing and Six Sigma | 3 cc |
ETS 2542C | Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Fundamentals | 3 cc |
See Choices | Natural Sciences (General Education Core Course) | 3 cc |
Semester 3 (15 cc)
EET 2215C | Instrumentation Electronics | 3 cc |
ETI 1110 | Introduction to Quality Assurance | 3 cc |
ETI 1701 | Industrial Safety | 3 cc |
See Choices | Humanities (General Education Core Course) | 3 cc |
| Program Electives | 3 cc |
Semester 4 (15 cc)
ENC 1101C | English Composition I | 3 cc |
ETM 1010 | Mechanical Measurement & Instrumentation | 3 cc |
ETM 2315C | Hydraulics and Pneumatics | 3 cc |
ETI 1420 | Mechanical Processes & Materials | 3 cc |
See Choices | Social Sciences (General Education Core Course) | 3 cc |
Program Electives
CET 2113C | Digital Circuits | 3 cc |
CGS 1061C | Introduction to Computers in Technology | 3 cc |
EET 1931 | Special Topics in Electronics Engineering Technology | 1 cc |
EET 2141C | Electronic Devices and Integrated Circuits I | 3 cc |
ETD 2364C | 3D Parametric Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS I | 3 cc |
ETI 2414C | Computer-Aided Manufacturing MasterCam-Mill 2-D & Solidworks | 4 cc |
ETI 2949 | Manufacturing Technology Co-op | 3 cc |
ETS 1931L | Special Topics in Engineering Technology | 1 cc |
ETS 1932C | Special Topics in Engineering Technology | 2 cc |
ETS 1933C | Special Topics in Engineering Technology | 3 cc |
ETS 2511C | Motors and Controls | 3 cc |
Total: 60