Digital Manufacturing Specialist (DMAN-CT)

Introducing and expanding skills related to digital design, modeling, and manufacturing related to first and small quantity production runs will be emphasized. The focus is on computer design and automation tools to create initial and custom parts. Occupational skills developed in this program will prepare students to join the workforce in areas such as rapid prototyping, digital manufacturing, industrial design, product design, mechanical drafters, technicians, or detailers in various specialized areas of industry that use CNC machining, CAM, and additive or digital manufacturing technologies. This program also upgrades skills with supplemental training for persons previously employed in manufacturing occupa-tions. At the conclusion of this training, students will be prepared to sit for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA), Professional, (CSWP), and Additive Manufacturing certification exams.

We strongly encourage that you contact the Engineering Technology Department for assistance planning your program of study.

Certificate Requirements

Required Courses

Semester 1 (14 cc)

EGN 1123Engineering Graphics

3 cc

ETD 2364C3D Parametric Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS I

3 cc

ETI 2416CMetal Working Processes (Welding & Fabrication)

4 cc

ETI 2414CComputer-Aided Manufacturing MasterCam-Mill 2-D & Solidworks

4 cc

Semester 2 (10 cc)

ETD 2368C3D Parametric Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS II

3 cc

ETD 2372CAdvanced Rapid Prototyping

3 cc

ETI 2419CAdvanced Concepts of CNC Machines and CNC Machining Practices (Multi-Axis)

4 cc

Total: 24
